Monday, January 4, 2010

Why in creating a web page we have to follow 60% content and 40% creativity/ design?

In creating a web page we need to follow 60% content and 40% percent creativity/design. 60% content in our web page, so that the viewer could learn something about what is the content all about and they could get some information they could use in feeding their intellect. There is 40% for the creativity/design, that the viewer would like to see. Our creativity effects the impact of our web page on the viewers.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Live Through

Chatting is one of the major parts of the Internet. It allows people to post messages that can be read immediately. The first time I bump into what we call chatting, at first I am very attentive of what and how people do this thing. Perhaps, it is very easy or maybe not. I met this guy named John Kelvin, actually I only met him on the Internet. He is twenty four years of age from Australia. We communicate through chatting. In our conversation he was asking for my name, gender, age and even the location where I came from. He was not able to trust me at first; he was insisting that I am a male not a female. A thought came into my intellect that a person behind the Internet don't easily believe an individual, especially when they don't see him/her on the camera.
That experience was different from the other person that I have seen on the camera. Like Bony Touch. He is a good-looking guy, simple, and very friendly. He is twenty three years of age. Unlike from the other chatter, when it comes of showing yourself into the front of the camera. He would not go to tell you; take off your cloths, put the camera in front of your sensitive part. He would just sit there and watch your face, smile at you when you smile at him. And he is the kind of a person that would not make any nude things in front of the camera. We talk about his favorites stuff, etc. He was very nice.
Based on my understanding, not all people who are engage in chatting are honest and true to themselves. Only some of them are like that. We should be true to our self for us to be able to understand a certain person or some people and to be true to the person who we chatting with.

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is the impact of Internet in Education?

Nowadays people are using the internet, particularly students and office staff. They are using the internet to make things easier. When it comes to research the first thing that would come to our intellect is to use the internet, we barely think of a book as a reference. But there are advantages and disadvantages of using the internet. The impact of the internet caused the laziness of some people. They don’t depart to their office to perform their duties; instead they just sit on their room and make use of the internet. This is one of the dreadful effects of internet. However internet can also be functional to our daily life. It could make things easier and faster. For us students it could help us in our learning since some of the students can feed their knowledge without going to school. With the use of the internet students can have their lesson inside or outside the house. It could also help us to search some information to feed our mentality.

But put this in mind, human beings are smarter than the internet. It doesn’t mean that internet could be the source of everything. Without human internet would not be able to work. People made the internet, and a person operates. Without us, computer and internet would be useless.